The weight of your sign depends on the material and size. Here’s a guide to help you estimate:

  1. HDU (High-Density Urethane): Signs
HDU weighs about 30 pounds per cubic foot. For example, a 1-inch thick HDU sign that’s 12″ x 12″ (1 square foot) would weigh approximately 2.5 pounds. As the size or thickness of the sign increases, the weight will adjust accordingly.
  2. Bronze Plaques:The weight of a bronze plaque can be estimated by calculating the plaque’s volume (height x width x depth) in cubic inches, then multiplying by 0.31.
For smaller plaques (under 36″ x 30″), use a depth of 0.25″. For larger plaques (over 36″ x 30″), use a depth of 0.375″.
Example: A 36″ x 24″ bronze plaque would be calculated like this:
36″ x 24″ x 0.25″ = 216 cubic inches.
216 cu. in. x 0.31 = 66.96 lbs.
So, the estimated weight would be about 67 pounds.
  3. Aluminum Plaques:Aluminum plaques weigh approximately one-third of the weight of a similarly sized bronze plaque. For example, if a bronze plaque weighs 67 pounds, a comparable aluminum plaque would weigh around 22 pounds.

If you have specific size requirements, feel free to reach out. We can help you estimate the weight and adjust the materials to meet your needs!