Keep the Peace
Keep the Peace - Peace Sign in Copper Verdi While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart. St. Francis of Assisi Italian, Saint Quotes more famous quotes Sign Plaques That Give you Peace of Mind - From Atlas Signs and Plaques Read into the statement whatever you will. Be it: Peace on Earth, Family Harmony, Absence of War, Peace of Mind, A Song Lyric, Peaceful Existence, Love, War and Peace, Right On, World Peace, Peace Movement, Peace Sign, or Inner Peace. Just a simple, but powerful little phrase that will endure the elements. Could be Peace and Quiet on your own little piece of paradise. Not being bothered by a salesperson. Peace of mind your loved ones are where there is no more pain or suffering. Or just a reminder of encouragement everyday. To Give [...]